Monday, July 23, 2007

中国报, 22/7/2007,副刊,世界动线版




我也有买“Where is My Donut”这本书 :)


在“Bob Green's Total Body Make Over”的书里有提到:
But physical activity also affects your metabolism, the rate at which you burn calories, not just while you're working out but long after you've up away your sneakers.

Exercise boosts the metabolism in different ways. One way it does so is by increasing your muscle mass. Because muscle is a "calorie-hungry" tissue (it requires many times more calories than fat tissue to maintain), the more muscle you have, the more calories you'll burn even when you're just sitting around or sleeping. Another way exercise peps up your calorie burning is by providing a postworkout rise in metabolism. Cardio workouts, especially vigorous ones, can increase the rate at which you burn calroies for up to ten hours after exercise. Strength training may do even more; one study found that it boosted metabolism for sixteen hours after a workout.

K.I.S.S Guide to Weight Loss也指出:
Exercise boosts your BMR and keeps it up for as long as 12 hours after you stop sweating.


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