Sunday, August 05, 2007

我给我自己的生日礼物:Heart Rate Monitor

两个星期前我就替我自己买了生日礼物,是Polar F11的Heart Rate Monitor。买它的原因是要测量我在运动时的心跳率,以前有join gym的时候有些运动器材是备有Heart Rate Monitor的,我已quit了gym很久了转而在户外运动,就想要一个类似的测量器以确定我的运动强烈度(workout intensity)足够又不会太过量。

怎样计算最高的心跳率呢?如果是男的,就以226减去目前的岁数,女的就以220减去目前的岁数。以我的个案就是:220 - 31 = 189

Polar F11的说明书把心跳率的目标区域分成:
Light --> 最高的心跳率的60% - 70%
Moderate -->最高的心跳率的70% - 80%
High --> 最高的心跳率的80% - 90%

不同的书籍会建议不同的心跳率目标。"Bob Greene's Total Body Make Over"一书就建议最高心跳率的70% - 80%,而Jilians Michaels的Winning By Losing就建议最高心跳率的85%。如果一个人长期没有运动,最好不要一下子就跳到这般高的心跳率,可以慢慢地增加运动量,总有一天能到达建议的心跳率有效地燃烧热量,最重要是要立刻开始运动,不要再找藉口了!


我目前是在我的Polar F11设置moderate的标准,即是132至151。不过有时候,尤其是已经上下斜坡两次后,又再慢跑下斜坡,我的心跳率最高可以到达167!我在很短的时间内就气喘,心跳快得像是心脏病发了般,所以我需要持续多加训练,希望有一天我可以跑马拉松!

Bob GreeneOprah Winfrey的私人教练
Jillian Michaels:美国著名The Biggest Loser节目里的其中一位教练



Anonymous said...

Hi there Doris. I read with interest your blog to keep me going on my exercise regime to lose weight. Sorry but I can read and not type Chinese. Can I know where do you get your Polar Heart Rate Monitor from? I'm interested to get one? Hear from you soon :)

doris 桃利思 said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! I hope I could be an inspiration to others... and this will push me to maintain too :)

I bought it from Fitness Concept. I felt a bit regret, I should have bought F6 instead which was cheaper and I did not need those extra functions in F11. And I think things sold in Fitness Concept are generally higher price too.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Doris for the information. I wish you all the success in your pursuit to lose weight and keep on posting! It's my source of inspiration too. Jia Yo!