Sunday, September 09, 2007


Burning the Scale部落格里读到近期的新发现:瘦基因。


The Texas scientists next wanted to know whether the gene worked the same way in more complicated animals. After proving that they could make worms fat by deleting the adipose gene, the researchers turned their attention to mammals.

First they experimented with single cells in a test tube. When the gene was deleted from ordinary cells, they transformed themselves into fat cells. The cells actually became plump as they accumulated fat droplets, Graff says.

这是好消息,但是我还是认为就算有再多的adipose基因,吃的太多又不运动的话,我相信也是会变肥胖的,尤其之前我的饮食习惯已近乎病态。我认同Claire(Burning the Scale部落格主)所写的:
I propose that scientists spend less time looking for that magic bullet and more time researching the diets that have been proven to cause lasting weight loss.

Magic bullet不知何年何月才会面世,我们还是注意当前吧!

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