Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Negative. The third line medication in oral form which is called Iressa is proven not working for my father. The lumps are growing larger in the CT Scan result on 17/9/2007.

Iressa is known to be more responsive for female patients. However, since we do not have more effective solution, my father will continue on this medication with a hope that it will control the growth rate -- the lumps will still grow but in a slower rate. In addition, I will also seek rodent tuber, the Chinese medication, the doctor does not object this as long as both medications are not taken at the same time of the day.

Even more sadly, the doctor said that my father no longer needs to go thru CT Scan in next follow-up appointment which will be on 22/10/2007, this is a more humble way of saying my father is fated.


Unknown said...

嗨!是什么癌症?我uncle 是中医草药师,帮了很多病人。如果有兴趣,我愿意介绍。


doris 桃利思 said...


麻烦你介绍你的uncle, 多谢!

MSKY said...


doris 桃利思 said...
